New case study reveals deployment of tablets leads to reduced infractions, increased engagement, and safer environment

NIAGARA COUNTY, N.Y.June 26, 2024 /PRNewswire/ — Securus Technologies, an Aventiv company and leader in innovative correctional technology solutions, announced the results of a case study on the successful implementation of secure tablets at Niagara County Correctional Facility, a medium-security correctional facility in western New York. As demonstrated in the case study released today, the deployment of tablet technology resulted in a significant reduction in infractions, improved engagement among incarcerated individuals, and a safer environment for both correctional officers and incarcerated individuals — showing the transformative potential of modern technology in correctional facilities.

Like many correctional facilities, Niagara County Correctional Facility faced issues related to conflict and disruptions, limited access to educational and reentry resources, and challenges in maintaining connections with loved ones. In 2021, jail administrators worked closely with Securus to implement tablet technology tailored to Niagara County Correctional Facility’s unique needs. The tablets are equipped with a range of features, including secure communication tools, access to educational content, legal resources, and information on employment opportunities and reentry support.

“The Securus tablets are a godsend. It keeps people occupied and it’s a win-win for us. If they can have more contact through e-messaging with videos and pictures, it’s safer for us because the risk for contraband coming in and out is reduced. If I can give somebody a tablet and it keeps their mind distracted from doing something wrong or hurting themselves or hurting somebody else, it’s a huge perk,” said Chief Jail Administrator Anthony Suess.

Tablets transformed the daily experience for everyone in the facility, creating efficiencies for administrators and correctional officers as well as value for the incarcerated individuals who rely on their tablets for connection with family and reentry resources every day. One of the most significant outcomes has been the 22 percent reduction in infractions, which has created a more peaceful and orderly facility, fostering a safer environment for both correctional officers and incarcerated individuals. Also contributing to the increased safety is the ability of corrections officers to monitor communications for potential criminal activity both inside the correctional facility and in the greater community, and to prevent the introduction of contraband.

“My main job and responsibility in this facility is keeping myself, my coworkers, and all of the incarcerated individuals safe. The tablets help us do that by relieving a lot of tension and pressure,” said Corrections Officer Sydney, one of many who have reported feeling more secure in their work environment.

By granting incarcerated individuals the ability to remain in near-constant contact with loved ones and providing access to educational content and vocational training, tablets not only increase levels of engagement among incarcerated individuals, but also meaningfully improve prospects upon release. With the inclusion of education materials, faith-based offerings, self-help guides, and other resources, tablets provide the opportunity to acquire valuable skills that can help incarcerated individuals reintegrate into society and set them up for a successful reentry, starting on day one.

“Recidivism is the thing we’re trying to solve. I believe that tablets are going to help all incarcerated individuals here. Not only can they brush up on their educational development, but they can help with any issues that they’re dealing with, any substance abuse issues, any anger management issues. That’s helped to ensure they get the help they need to reintegrate back into society,” said Field Intelligence Officer Paul.

The case study released today provides a detailed account of the implementation process, highlighting the increased efficiencies and reduced infractions resulting from the tablet deployment. For correctional institutions seeking to enhance safety, reduce infractions, and promote engagement of incarcerated individuals, partnering with Securus Technologies for tablet deployment presents a proven solution that aligns with the goals of rehabilitation and safer corrections environments.

For more information and to access the full case study, please visit

About Securus Technologies
Headquartered in Dallas, Texas, an Aventiv Technologies company, serving more than 3,450 public safety, law enforcement, and corrections agencies and over 1,200,000 incarcerated individuals across North America, Securus Technologies is committed to serve and connect by providing emergency response, incident management, public information, investigation, biometric analysis, communication, information management, incarcerated individual self-service, and monitoring products and services in order to make our world a safer place to live. Securus Technologies connecting what matters®. For more information, please visit